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Hand lettering


Hand lettering is the loosed art of drawing letters by hand or, as we know it calligraphy.

People practice It as an inexpensive hobby, and as a beautiful way to express themselves.Hand lettering

There are lots and lots of fonts (types of letters ) and ornaments  you can draw, and you can mix them and use your imagination for creating new fonts.

It’s beautiful, but it could be laborious, and you must be patience, but you can get an awesome work.

If you want to try it, you will need:

  • Paper: You’ll have a better work if you use sketching paper
  • Ruler: For making sketch process easier
  • Pencil: For sketching the letters and ornaments.
  • Pens: That’s the way you’ll get a beautiful end result
  • Markers: If you want to give colour to your draws.Hand lettering sketch
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